Rabu, 27 Februari 2013

Posting Otomatis dari Blog ke Facebook


Halo para sobat blogger, kali ini saya akan share bagamana sih caranya, agar postingan kita itu ada di Facebook. Mungkin kalian sudah pada tahu, tapi tak apalah. Namanya juga berbagi, hehe... Share postingan blog di facebook memang sangat mudah, apalagi bagi para facebookers, mungkin cuma seujung kuku kali ya? hehe.. tapi saya kali ini share tentang carannya publish postingan kita langsung otomatis ke facebook. Mungkin ada yang nanya ya, kenapa kok kita publish postingan di Facebook, apa gunanya? nah, gunanya adalah agar kita bisa menjaring visitor ke blog apalagi artikel yang kita posting itu judulnya menarik dan kontennya juga menarik, dengan begitu trafik visitor blog sobat akan bertambah. Jika kalian ingin tahu langkah-langkahnya, baca dan ikuti langkahnya di bawah ini.

1.  Pertama-tama Login dulu ke Facebook Sobat
2. Kalau kalin sudah Login, silahkan kalian buka alamat berikut ini http://apps.facebook.com/rssgraffiti/
3.  Maka akan muncul seperti gambar dibawah ini
Klik pada gambar untuk memperbesar

4.  Kemudian klik Add New Publishing Plan 
5.  Lalu isikan Judul Publishing Plan teserah kalian misalnya saja: Ino-Yasha's Blog Plan, Setelah itu klik Create Publishing Plan

Klik pada gambar untuk memperbesar

6. Kemudian klik Add New pada sebeleah kiri yang sudah ditunjukkan lingkaran merah dibawah ini, lalu isikan alamat RSS sobat dan kemudian klik Add Source

Klik pada gambar untuk memperbesar
Klik pada gambar untuk memperbesar

7.  Lalu ganti Setelan yang ditandai merah pada gambar dibawah ini, ganti setelan sebelah kiri dengan As Soon As Possible (Agar langsung terposting di Facebook)

Klik pada gambar untuk memperbesar
Klik pada gambar untuk memperbesar

8.  Lalu klik Add New Target

Klik pada gambar untuk memperbesar
9.  Pilih targetmu pada Target Setup pada sebelah kanan, tepatnya pada Choose Target (berguna untuk menempatkan dimana postinganmu akan muncul, pada Facebook sobat, halaman facebookmu atau grup sobat) dan pilih target pada Publish on Behalf of (Digunakan untuk menentukan target user)
Klik pada gambar untuk memperbesar

10. Lalu pilih salah satu opsi pada Post Style, ada Standart, Compact, dan Status Updater, kemudian jika sudah memilih klik Save Changes

Klik pada gambar untuk memperbesar

11. Lalu akan muncul seperti di bawah ini, tetapi ini belum selesai, langkah terakhir klik Off (Untuk menghidupkan planning yang sudah sobat buat tadi).

Klik pada gambar untuk memperbesar
Klik pada gambar untuk memperbesar

12.  Selesai deh, nah gampang bukan.

Nah cukup sekian dulu ya postingan kali ini semoga bermanfaat  utuk kalian semuaanya, terimaksih.

Read more: http://ino-yasha.blogspot.com/2012/08/posting-otomatis-dari-blog-ke-facebook.html#ixzz2KZiX2HxM
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Download Game Counter Strike : Global Offensive (GO) Terbaru 2012

Counter Strike atau yang lebih dikenal dengan CS merupakan sebuah game modifikasi dari game sebelumnya, Counter Strike Half Life bergenre peperangan. Seiring berjalannya waktu, CS berkembang menjadi sebuah game yang sangat populer dan sering dimainkan oleh semua kalangan. Counter Strike (CS) menampilkan tim counter-terrorist (CT) yang akan melawan tim teroris pada serangkaian mode. Untuk bisa memenangkan pertempuran, pemain diharuskan membunuh semua anggota tim lawan. Selain itu para pemain diharuskan menjinakkan bom, menyelamatkan para sandera, serta melakukan pembunuhan rahasia.

Pada seri game Counter Strike Global Offensive 2012, game ini mendapat banyak sekali update seperti patch yang menambahkan map inferno, train, nuke. Selain itu, varian senjata juga mendapat penambahan seperti nova shotgun, bizon, serta MP7 SMGs. Global Offensive memfokuskan pada weapon recoil. Untuk mode permainan normal, sobat perlu menjalankan gambar game melalui VMWare Player dan memilih virtualke dari RAM sekitar 1,5 GB.

Screenshots :

System Requirements :

  • Windows 7 / Vista / XP
  • Processor 3.0 GHz P4, Dual Core 2.0 (or higher) or AMD64X2 (or higher)
  • Memory 1GB XP / 2GB Vista
  • Hard Disk Space sekitar 6 GB dari jumlah space
  • Video card 128 MB atau lebih dan DirectX 9-compatible mendukung Pixel Shader 2.0b (ATI Radeon X800 or higher / NVIDIA GeForce 7600 or higher / Intel HD Graphics 2000 or higher)
  • Audio DirectX 9.0c compatible.

Cara instal game Counter Strike Global Offensive :

**Instal VMware Workstation v8.0.2 Full. Download 
  1. Jalankan VMware, pada "File" menu - "Open" untuk memilih "Open image format for virtual machines" dan impor pada folder Image\CSGOBeta.ovf
  2. Mainkan game dengan sebuah shortcut pada desktop virtual machine.
Download Game 
Counter Strike Global Offensive (GO) Terbaru 2012
Password : szone.vn
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Buat Virus Lucu Dari Notepad


Dari sekian postingan tentang cara membuat virus di blog ini mungkin ini yang paling gokil dan jahil, karena tidak hanya komputernya yang bingung tapi orangnya juga akan jengkel.
Penasaran nih ?
Dibawah ada beberapa script kode untuk membuat virus silahkan di ubah atau langsung dikopi ke notepad anda.

1. Virus dengan sasaran buat orang jengkel karena muncul terus, sebenarnya bukan virus tapi hanya program
yang sok-sok jadi virus :)

@ECHO off
msg * Haloo ?
msg * Lagi apa nih ?
msg * Weww ketahuan nih..
msg * Hayooo ngaku..
msg * Ye ye ketauan yeye ketahuan
msg * Aku matiin saja gimana
msg * Mau............................
simpan dengan berekstensi .bat contoh Usil.bat

 2.  Membuat Virus Wants to Be A Milionaire

@echo off

title quiz wants to be a millionaire
echo jika kamu kena virus apa
yang kamu lakukan
echo pilih yang mana:
echo 1. Matikan Komputer
echo 2. Format Komputer
echo 3. Yahhhh...
set input=nothing
set /p input=Choice:
if %input%==1 shutdown -s -t
if %input%==2 del c:\xxx
if %input%==3 @ECHO off
msg * Kurang Beruntung nih
msg * Kurang Iman kali :D
msg * Aduh ini gimana kok tambah parah
msg * Masukin ke UGD aja ya
msg * Telpon 311 saja ya
@ECHO off
START %SystemRoot%
GOTO top
Simpan dengan .bat contoh contoh = Kuis Wants to be a millionaire.bat

3. Membuka notepad terus-menerus

@ECHO off

START %SystemRoot%
GOTO top
Simpan dengan ektensi.bat

4. Shutdown sendiri dan kirim pesan otomatis

Set wshShell

wscript.sleep 100
wshshell.sendkeys "{CAPSLOCK}"
Simpan dengan .vbs

5. CD Room terbuka dan tertutup terus

Set oWMP = CreateObject

Set colCDROMs =
if colCDROMs.Count >= 1 then
For i = 0 to colCDROMs.Count - 1
For i = 0 to colCDROMs.Count - 1
End If
wscript.sleep 5000
Simpan dengan .vbs

Catatan :
Hanya sekedar referensi agar lebih waspada terhadap setiap software atau program yang ada di computer, laptop atau di internet agar tidak mudah percaya begitu saja karena akibatnya sangat fatal.
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Aplikasi untuk Mengetahui Aktivitas PC Client

Dalam melakukan interaksi terhadap suatu hal, selalu diawali dengan perkenalan, baik itu dengan teman baru, pekerjaan baru, dan lain sebagainya. Demikian pula halnya dengan suatu aplikasi maupun fitur computer terbaru. Perkenalan adalah tahap awal menguasainya. Pada kesempatan ini saya akan menjelaskan sedikit tentang remote yang mungkin sebagian orang belum begitu mendalami maupun mengenal

Buat anda pemakai windows XP dan terhubung melalui jaringan, anda bisa mejalankan komputer lain dari komputer yang anda pakai, istilah tersebut dikenal dengan nama "Remote", untuk menjalankannya anda bisa menggunakan beberapa aplikasi yang akan saya demokan pada anda. Remote adalah fasilitas yang disediakan untuk dapat berbagi file dan bisa menjalankan komputer satu dari komputer lain dengan syarat terhubung dengan jaringan.

Ada Banyak aplikasi yang dapat digunakan untuk remote, seperti:

1. VNC (Virtual Network Computing)

VNC (Virtual Network Computing) adalah semacam share desktop secara remote. Gampangnya, kita seolah-olah berada di depan komputer yang jaraknya cukup jauh dari kita.
Penggunaan VNC sangat membantu pekerjaan seorang administrator jaringan yang membutuhkan suatu tool yang handal untuk dapat menjangkau seluruh komputer yang ada dalam jaringannya atau karena suatu sebab tidak dapat berada di depan komputer yang bersangkutan, sehingga perbedaan lokasi yang jauh tidak menjadi masalah untuk dapat melakukan pekerjaan sehari-hari
Untuk dapat mengetahui lebih lanjut tentang cara instalasi dan penggunaannya klick disini untuk download
Untuk bisa mendapatkan software VNC (Virtual Network Computing) klick disini untuk download
2. Anyplace Control
Anyplace Control adalah sebuah aplikasi remote yang mempunyai fungsi tidak begitu berbeda dengan aplikasi remote yang lain (VNC), tapi aplikasi ini bisa melihat aktivitas yang dikerjakan oleh client tanpa diketahui si client (Mata - mata). fasilitas apliksi ini juga dapat mematikan atau merestart sebuah komputer client dengan tanpa dibatasi jarak dan waktu. Tapi fasilitas ini sering disalahgunakan oleh orang. Tujuan saya bukan untuk meyebarkan kejahatan melainkan untuk mengingatkan seluruh Penggila internet untuk waspada untuk pergi ke tempat penyewaan internet ( Warnet, warung Hotspot, dll).
Untuk dapat mengetahui lebih lanjut tentang cara penginstalan dan penggunaan Anyplace Control klick disini untuk download
Untuk bisa mendapatkan software Anyplace Control Klick disini untuk download
3. Lan Admin
Lan Admin adalah semacam share desktop secara remote. Gampangnya, kita seolah-olah mengatur dan mengendalikan penuh kinerja PC yang kita sedang remote. Jadi berguna untuk mengetahui aktifitas - aktifitas yang dikerjakan client.
Untuk dapat mengetahui lebih lanjut tentang cara penginstalan dan penggunaan Lan Admin klick disini untuk download
Untuk bisa mendapatkan software Lan Admin Klick disini untuk download
Untuk Memperjelas tentang cara dan penggunaan aplikasi Remote Network ini anda dapat mempelajari dengan masuk pada blog Remote Network klick disini untuk memulai

Cr : @Spectrum Magz Online
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‘All Superheroes Must Die’ is wishful thinking


The last scene in “All Superheroes Must Die” perfectly sums up this half-baked movie.
After Charge (Jason Thorn) guns down the maniacal Rickshaw (James Remar), an improvised explosive device consisting of a microwave is detonated. Charge and his cohort (and love interest) Shadow (Sophie Merkley) have five minutes to escape the building. As the timer on the microwave inches down to 1 minute and 30 seconds, the movie fades to black. I suppose this is the cliffhanger ending to “Do they or don’t they make it out of the building?”
Then again, microwaves don’t always fully cook food. And this movie, from the dialogue to the special effects, is as raw and undercooked as it gets.
The premise is intriguing: Four masked avengers named Charge, Shadow, Cutthroat (Lucas Till) and The Wall (Lee Valmassy) wake up scattered in an unnamed town with bandages on their wrists. We learn that their superpowers (Charge has super strength, Shadow has invisibility, Cutthroat has hyperspeed and The Wall is indestructible) have been drained by Rickshaw, a master villain who has been foiled countless times by the quartet. He’s tired of being the loser all the time, so he devises impossible scenarios to test the foursome’s moral and ethical boundaries.
The foursome must try to save 100 civilians rigged to explosive devices and defeat Rickshaw’s hand-picked cadre of supervillains. If they don’t decide to play, Rickshaw blows up the whole town. And he has strategically placed televisions throughout the town.
Big brother is watching the foursome. With technology more than 30 years old.
Here is where the intrigue ends.
The movie ends up being a mish-mash of “Saw” meets “The Dark Knight” meets “Watchmen.” And it fails miserably on all three ideas.
It devolves into senseless violence, and witless and unnecessarily profane dialogue as the “heroes” end up sacrificing the victims who are rigged to bombs. In one silly sequence, Charge ends up shooting dead the victims rigged because he didn’t want to kill himself.
Senseless. Or should I say nonsensical.
Maybe the biggest mystery is why Remar, a respected and capable actor, would star in such drivel. Whatever the case, he seems to have the most fun playing an over-the-top villain while the other four wearily slog through their scenes and dialogue.
Never did 78 minutes seem like such an eternity.
Extras: None
Bottom line: There have been some exceptional movies in the superhero genre (the original “Superman,” Christopher Nolan’s “Batman” movies and “Watchmen” come to mind). This isn’t one of them. Don’t bother renting or purchasing unless you’re a fan of very bad acting, cheesy action sequences or if you just like to be cheated.
Editor’s note: If you need another neon indicator, this movie doesn’t even have an entry on Rotten Tomatoes.
All Superheroes Must Die
Image Entertainment, 78 minutes, not rated
DVD: $27.97
BD: $29.97
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Selasa, 26 Februari 2013

Download Avira Terbaru Antivirus 2013 Full Version FREE

Download Avira Terbaru Antivirus 2013 - Menjaga komputer dari serangan  virus mutlak harus kita lakukan ini diperuntukkan untuk menjaga keamanan dan keselamatan data pada komputer anda. Avira sebagai aplikasi pelindung dari serangan antivirus yang sudah terbukti kualitas dan kuantitas nya kini merilis Antivirus Avira 2013 yang bisa anda gunakan secara gratis.

Download Avira Terbaru Antivirus 2013 Full Version Gratis
Avira terbaru ini memiliki beberapa keunggulan, diantaranya mampu memblock atau mencegah sebuah virus berbahaya sebelum virus tersebut running atau beroperasi pada komputer anda, dengan begitu bisa dipastikan bahwa komputer kita akan selalu aman dari serangan virus/perangkat lunak yang dapat membahayakan komputer anda. Sebelum melihat lebih jauh mengenai avira ini anda juga bisa melihat Download Antivirus Avast Pro Terbaru yang juga sebuah antivirus handal.
Spesifikasi untuk Antivirus Avira Terbaru 2013
Sebelum Anda men-download Avira Free Antivirus, harap perhatikan bahwa sistem Anda memenuhi spesifikasi minimum :Windows:
Windows 7 (32-bit atau 64-bit)
Windows Vista SP1 (32-bit atau 64-bit)
Windows XP SP3 (32-bit)
Windows XP SP2 (64-bit)

Min. 1024 MB RAM (Windows Vista, Windows 7)
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Koneksi internet dan browser web diperlukan selama instalasi antivirus terbaik gratis kami.
Sebelum mendownload, siapa tahu anda tertarik dengan antivirus lainnya seperti Download Avast Terbaru
Download :

Anda dapat mendownload Avira Free Antivirus secara gratis melalui website resmi avira, silahkan kunjungi link download berikut untuk mendownload Avira Free Antivirus Terbaru di Sini => Download Avira Free

Nah itu tadi review dan link download Antivirus Avira jika anda tertarik tidak ada salahnya untuk mencobanya.
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G.I. Joe: Retaliation di Bioskop 2013

Film Bioskop Terbaru 2013 | Sinopsis Pemain Video G.I. Joe: Retaliation 2012 Movie di Bioskop Terbaru: Sebuah Film Superhero Terbaru actions yang paling ditunggu, sequel lanjutan "G.I. Joe: Retaliation". Film Actions yang dibintangi Dwayne Johnson dan Bruce Willis ini segera hadir di bioskop Maret 2013.

G.I. Joe: Retaliation 2012 di Bioskop

Lihat Sinopsis Pemain dan Video G.I. Joe: Retaliation 2013 Movie Trailer di Bioskop Terbaru berikut:

# Sinopsis G.I. Joe: Retaliation:
Ketika Cobra spy Zartan memiliki sebagian besar Joes dibunuh, band Joes yang tersisa bekerja sama untuk menyerang kembali.
Dalam sekuel ini, G.I. Joes tidak hanya memerangi Cobra musuh bebuyutan mereka, mereka dipaksa untuk bersaing dengan ancaman dari dalam pemerintah yang membahayakan keberadaan mereka.

G.I. Joe: Retaliation 2012 Movie

# G.I. Joe: Retaliation 2013:

* Rilis di Bioskop: 29 Maret 2013 (USA-Nationwide)
* Bioskop Indonesia: April 2013
* Genre: Action, Superhero, Adventure, Sequel
* Directed by: Jon Chu
* Distributed by: Paramount Pictures
* Starring:
- Channing Tatum as Duke Hauser
- Byung-hun Lee as Storm Shadow
- Dwayne Johnson as Roadblock
- Elodie Yung as Jinx
- D.J. Cotrona as Flint
- Ray Park as Snake Eyes

G.I. Joe: Retaliation 2012  

Pasti penasaran dengan kelanjutan sequel film superhero actions ini, karna sempat tertunda rilisnya untuk hasil 3D yang lebih baik. Ditunggu dan saksikan G.I. Joe: Retaliation di Bioskop yang akan rilis mulai 29 Maret 2013 secara internasional. Disalain Film Bioskop Terbaru sumber disini.
(New Update 12 Desember 2012)

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Ikan Beracun & Jenis Ikan Beracun Yang Kerap Kita Temui

Kehidupan bawah laut sangatlah beragam dengan kehidupannya sendiri. Dipercaya jutaan spesies ikan hidup di bawah lautan mulai lautan terdangkal hingga dasar samudera terdalam. Bila anda adalah pecinta ikan laut tentunya akan mengakui keindahan bentuk serta warna warni dari ikan laut. Mulai dari yang jinak, buas, aneh, hingga yang beracun!

Berikut adalah beberapa Ikan beracun , baik yang hidup diair laut juga air tawar

Ikan Beracun

Ikan Buntal ( Fugu Fish )

Ikan Buntal
Secara sekilas Ikan Buntal ( Fugu Fish ) menyerupai bola duri yang biasa dipakai untuk pengobatan alternatif. Dibalik bentuknya yang lucu dan unik, ikan ini memiliki racun yang sangat mematikan. Ikan beracun ini dianggap memiliki racun paling berbahaya kedua didunia. Disebut ikan Buntal karena bentuknya yang kembung dan buntal karena kemampuannya untuk menggembungkan tubuhnya. Di Jepang, penulisan nama kanji untuk  ikan beracun ini terbaca sebagai “babi sungai”

Ikan Lepu / Ikan Lepu / Ikan Katu ( Scorpion Fish )

Ikan Scorpion
Ikan ini terkadang disebut sebagai Ikan Lepu atau ikan kalajengking ( Scorpion Fish ) meskipun bentuknya jauh dari bentuk kalajengking. Ciri khas dari ikan ini adalah warnanya yang sangat mencolok serta kemampuannya dalam  menyamarkan dirinya. Ikan Lepu Batu dianggap sebagai jenis Lepu yang paling beracun dan berbahaya bagi manusia. Ikan ini hidup di perairan dangkal, bebatuan dan terumbu karang yang dangkal. Mereka kerap bersembunyi di tempat – tempat seperti itu. Para penyelam kerap memainkan jenis Lepu ayam dan Lepu kupu – kupu dengan cara tidak menyentuh duri – durinya.

Ikan Baronang ( Baronang Rabbit Fish )

Ikan Baronang
Secara sekilas ikan baronang terlihat serupa dengan ikan mujair dsj. Ikan ini memiliki duri – duri pada sirip dibagian punggung serta duburnya. Racun dari duri – duri ini tidak terlalu berbahaya seperti halnya ikan Lepu atau ikan buntal.  Pada umumnya duri tersebut telah dibuang terlebih dahulu bila ingin dijadikan santapan. Ikan ini cukup nikmat dengan cara hidang dibakar dengan campuran bumbu dsj.

Ikan Butana ( Botana Surgeon Fish )

Ikan Botana
Ikan Beracun
Ikan Botana memiliki wujud dan warna yang unik dan lucu namun berhati – hatilah jika ingin menangkap ikan ini dengan tangan anda karena ketajaman dari duri ikan ini cukup berbisa serta setajam silet yang terletak pada sepasang sirip ekor yang terletak pada bagian pangkal.

Ikan Pari ( StingRay )

Ikan Pari
Ikan pari merupakan salah satu spesies ikan terlebar di lautan. Pada ikan pari Manta tercatat memiliki lebar tubuh hingga 9 meter! Salah satu senjata pada ikan pari adalah kemampuannya dalam menghasilkan aliran listrik pada tubuhnya. Selain itu ikan ini memiliki duri yang sangat tajam pada bagian ekor dengan kemampuan melukai yang sangat fatal. Duri dan listrik merupakan senjata pertahanan diri alami yang terdapat pada ikan pari. Meskipun juga memiliki gigi dan duri – duri pada bagian kepala, namun bagian ekor lah yang perlu diwaspadai.

Ikan Semilang / Lele

Ikan Semilang
Pada beberapa jenis ikan lele terdapat duri tajam yang beracun pada bagian kepala mereka. Selain pada bagian insang ikan ini juga dianggap beracun serta tidak baik untuk kesehatan.

Jenis – Jenis Ikan Beracun – Kelompok Alga Ciguatera

Alga Ciguatera adalah zat beracun yang terdapat pada beberapa jenis ikan. Cukup banyak sekali orang yang keracunan akibat tidak mengetahui seluk beluk serta latar belakang ikan yang ditangkapnya. Kasus seperti ini bahkan pernah terjadi pada restoran – restoran besar seperti yang pernah dialami oleh salah restoran di Thailand dan Jepang. Zat Cigueara umumnya terdapat pada hampir semua ikan namun dengan tingkat konsentrat yang rendah. Pada umumnya ikan pemakan segala secara natural akan menghasilkan zat Cituera dalam jumlah yang tinggi sehingga membahayakan bagi manusia.
Zat ini dihasilkan oleh dinoflasgelata yang berikuran kecil atau dinamakan Gambierdiscus toxicus yang hidup dan tumbuh pada areal permukaan batu, permukaan bangkai kapal, benda – benda di dermaga dll yang kemudian tertelah oleh ikan – ikan berjenis herbivor lalu ikan ini dimangsa lagi oleh ikan predator sehingga racun yang terakumulasi pada ikan pemangsa ini akan menyebabkan racun pada bagian hati dan organ reproduksinya, termasuk telur ikan.
Di daerah Indo – Pasifik, jenis ikan Kakap merah Jumbo dan Belut laut adalah jenis yang berpotensi mengandung zat Citoera dalam jumlah yang cukup tinggi. Bahkan tidak tertutup kemungkinan pada ikan – ikan yang kerap kita konsumsi seperti kerapu, tuna, barakuda dan trigger juga mengandung zat Citoera ini. Salah satu cara untuk menghindarkan kita dari ikan beracun ini adalah dengan tidak memakan atau membeli ikan – ikan tersebut yang berukuran terlalu besar atau melebihi batas besar yang umum anda konsumsi
Demikianlah informasi mengenai Jenis – Jenis Ikan Beracun yang kerap kita temui. Semoga bermanfaat :-)
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Top 20 Windows 8 Tweaks, Hacks & Tips

Ever since Microsoft released the consumer preview of Windows 8, many power users have found registry hacks and tweaks to change the way Windows 8 behaves in certain situations. While most veteran Windows application developers had already started developing Modern UI apps, Windows enthusiasts were excavating deep into Windows 8 Registry Hives and the Local Group Policy Editor this whole time to find native solutions to problems that novice users may face. If you’ve been following us since the release of the Windows 8 developer build, then you may know that we have covered an umpteen number of Windows 8 tips, registry hacks and Local Group Policy Editor tweaks to enhance the overall usage experience. In what follows, we bring you the best 20 Windows 8 tweaks, hacks and tips that you may find handy.

For your reading convenience, we have divided this post into the following sections.

  • Local Group Policy Editor Tweaks
  • Windows Registry Hacks
  • Tips related to Windows 8 features
Before you start tweaking your Windows 8 PC, you should get familiar with Local Policy Editor and Windows Registry editor. The former is a MMC (Microsoft Management Console) snap-in that enables users, with administrative privileges, to customize a wide range of system component settings, and restricts the control a standard user can exercise on the system, whereas the latter is a database that stores preferences, configurations and settings of both system and user applications, and therefore provides you with workarounds to disable certain features and make others work.

Local Group Policy Editor Tweaks

Disable Uninstall Option For Windows 8 Modern UI Apps

The biggest change in Windows 8 is the Modern UI (formerly known as Metro UI). Now, in addition to the Desktop workspace, you have the Start Screen. The apps that you install from Windows 8 Store can only be accessed from the Start Screen. The Uninstall or Change a Program dialog box lets you uninstall only those applications that are installed from external sources. You can uninstall any Windows Store app from Start Screen by right-clicking it and then selecting Uninstall option from the bottom. Although, it saves the hassle of opening Uninstall or Change a Program dialog box, it provides access to all users to easily uninstall the Windows Store apps from your computer. If you’re looking for a way to keep standard users from uninstalling Modern UI apps, check out our article to find out how to disable the uninstall option from the Start Screen.

Hide Specific Windows 8 Control Panel Tools Or Applets

The Control Panel in Windows 8 is just like the one that comes with the previous versions of Windows. It contains different system tools and applets for changing default settings of different PC components. However, there are simple options that allow standard users to disable the settings, meaning that anyone who has access to your computer can change your PC settings using the Control Panel. For instance, the Mouse applet lets users change default settings of the mouse, like its movement and clicking speed. Using the policy settings in the Local Group Policy Editor, you can restrict users from changing the settings of system components. You can follow our guide on hiding Windows 8 Control Panel applets to prevent your PC users from changing the settings.


Turn Off Windows Store

Windows 8 comes with its own app marketplace called the Windows Store. The number of apps available for download are increasing with each passing day, and the Windows Store still needs to go a long way. Just like other app marketplaces, there are both free and paid apps available for download. If you are lending your Windows 8 device to your friend or colleague, then you probably don’t want them to download paid apps, using your credit card information. Disabling the Store is a good way to prevent anyone else from installing any unwanted app to your system, however, there is no default option to disable the Windows Store. You can check out this tip to disable the Windows Store by changing its policy setting in Local Group Policy Editor.
Windows Store Disabled

Disable Lock Screen & Lock Screen Image

While the Lock Screen in previous versions of Windows adds an extra layer of security to Windows logon and allows you to temporarily lock your system, the Windows 8 Lock Screen offers some extra features; other than the ability to lock your computer with a password, it also lets you view the notifications from different apps such as People, Email, Date & Time, Battery Status etc. If you are using Windows on a tablet, entering the password in order to gain access to the computer every time you login can be a bit annoying. The default settings provided by Windows 8 lets you tweak the elements of the Lock Screen, but does not have an option to completely disable it. However using the Local Group Policy Editor, you can permanently disable the Lock Screen, which in turns gives you direct access to the Windows Logon screen. The Lock Screen policy setting dialog also enables system administrators to prevent standard and guest users from changing the Lock Screen image. Check out the steps for disabling the Lock Screen in this post.
lock-screen Disable1

Disable Lock Screen App Notifications For All Users

Unlike its predecessors, Windows 8 is optimized to run on both PCs and tablets. Just like the iOS and Android operating systems, Windows 8 also provides you with app notifications right on the Lock Screen. For instance, if you have unread messages, it will send the notification on the lock screen, enabling you to quickly read the message. In the PC Settings menu, there are options to turn the Lock Screen notifications On and Off, but it is applicable only on the current user and other PC users can view their notifications. If you want to disable the Lock Screen notifications for all PC users, the Local Group Policy Editor lets you do it. Follow our guide to disable Lock Screen app notifications for all users in Windows 8.
Disable Lock Screen App Notifications

Enable Account Lockout Policy And Set Lockout Threshold & Duration

The User Accounts feature lets administrator and standard users create multiple user accounts for other PC users. It equips each PC user with a facility of saving their private information like account passwords, financial information etc., without worrying about data theft attacks. Just like any OS, Windows 8 also lets you protect your User Account with a password to prevent others from accessing your data. However, you might have noticed that if you keep entering the wrong password while trying to log in to your account, it gets locked after some attempts. You have to wait for some minutes before you can make another attempt to log in to your PC. Using the Local Group Policy Editor, you can enable the account lockout policy and customize both the account lockout threshold & the account lock-out duration. This article explains all the steps required to change the settings related to account lockout policy.

Disable Sync Settings For All Users

You may know that Windows 8 can be used with both a local account and a Microsoft account, but the advantage of using the latter is that all of your settings, including background, theme, internet history, shortcuts etc, can be easily synced with other devices running Windows 8. For instance, if you have Windows 8 installed on both PC and tablet, you don’t have to manually tweak the settings on both devices, instead, you can just turn the Sync feature on to automatically sync settings, internet history, Start Screen background, color scheme etc., with other Windows 8 devices. However, if you don’t want your devices to sync the settings, you can disable sync from the PC Settings for your user account. You can also enforce system-wide level settings to disable the Sync feature for all users, you may follow the steps from our guide to disable Sync feature for all user accounts.
Disable Sync Settings

Restrict Account Users From Changing Personalization Settings

The Personalization dialog box was first introduced in Windows Vista. It basically collects all the UI and screen related settings and show them in one location, so that users don’t have to open different menus to change screen and Windows UI settings. If you’re a system administrator, and are looking for a way to restrict your PC users from changing Personalization settings, then you can use Local Group Policy Editor to disable the Personalization dialog box for all users. You can check out our guide on disabling different Personalization settings.

Prevent Users From Changing Internet Settings

The problem with some system wide settings, such as the internet settings, is that when you change them in one user account they get changed for all users profiles. If you are a system administrator, you can prevent other users from changing the internet settings from the Local Group Policy Editor. This article guides you through the process of restricting users from accessing Internet Settings in Windows 8.

Enable Windows Store On Windows 8 To Go PC

The Windows To Go feature of Windows 8 Enterprise edition allows users to boot the Enterprise edition of the operating system from a USB flash drive. It proves to be quite useful in instances where you need to run Windows 8 temporarily on a system and don’t want to go through the hassle of installing it on your PC. Even though, it offers a complete OS environment from the external USB drive, you cannot use the Windows Store to update installed apps and install new ones, as it is disabled by default in Windows To Go workspace. The fact that it is disabled by default does not mean that Windows Store is not available at all; You can gain access to it by enabling it from the Local Group Policy Editor. Check out our guide on enabling Windows 8 Store on Windows To Go Workspace.

Windows Registry Hacks

Change The Maximum Number of Tile Rows On Start Screen

The Start Screen of Windows 8 displays shortcuts to the installed apps in the form of colorful tiles. The tiles can be used to quickly access your favorite programs. If you install a news app, its live tile will display the latest headlines. You can move the tiles around, create groups for similar types of tiles and resize the tiles. When you open the Start Screen, Windows 8 detects the resolution of your monitor and decides the total rows of tiles that will be displayed on the start screen. There is no default option to control the maximum number of rows, so, if you want, you can not have a fewer number of rows. However, a simple registry hack allows you to control the maximum number of rows that will be displayed on the Start Screen. In order to set a maximum limit for the number of tile rows, navigate to the following registry key.
Right click in the main window, select New, and create a new DWORD (32-bit) Value. Now,  rename it to Layout_MaximumRowCount. and then open the key to set the custom maximum number of rows. You can restart or log off your computer to implement the changes. On a monitor with 1920 x 1080 resolution, you can get up to 6 rows of tiles on the Start Screen.

Set Border Size of Desktop Windows

You may already know that Microsoft has dropped the Aero, and Windows 8 wraps windows in non-transparent borders. This move was aimed at making the operating system faster and more efficient by removing heavy UI elements that consume too much of system resources. You can still change the color of Windows borders to match your theme, but since the transparency is no more there, large borders mean that more screen space will be blocked by the active window. By default, there is no simple way to set a custom border size, however, you can change the border size of windows from the Windows registry. To change the border size, first open Windows Registry Editor and locate the following registry key.

HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Control Panel\Desktop\WindowMetrics
Now, look for the “BorderWidth” key and open it. By default, the value is set at –15. You can choose any value from 0 – 50 for the windows borders.

Set Custom Desktop Icon Vertical & Horizontal Spacing

One of the features that most Windows enthusiasts miss in Windows 8 is Windows Color and Appearance. As the name suggests, it is a UI related settings dialog box that allows you to change the size and colors of desktop elements. One of its options allow users to change the vertical and horizontal spacing between the desktop icons. In Windows 8, you can change the default values of vertical and horizontal spacing using the Windows registry editor. In order to change the icon spacing, head over to the following registry key.
HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Control Panel\Desktop\WindowMetrics
Now, from the right side, look for the keys named “IconSpacing” and “IconVerticalSpacing”. By default, the value of both keys is set at –1125. You can increase this number to increase the space between desktop icons.

Windows 8 Start Screen Animation Registry Hack

The start Screen in Windows 8 can be customized using the Personalization options included in the PC Settings. It allows you to choose a tattoo to be displayed on the Start Screen and select the main color for the Modern UI. When you open the Start Screen, it displays the tiles in a specific animation.  Windows does not provide you with an easy way to change the speed or style of the animation, however, a simple registry tweak can be applied to enable and control the animation. Other than the tiles, this registry hack also work for the animations for User picture, Username, and the Start text (present at the left side of the Start Screen). In order to change the Start Screen animations, open the Windows Registry Editor and open the following registry key.
Now, right-click in the main window of the registry editor to create a new DWORD (32-bit) Value and rename it to Launcher_SessionLoginAnimation_OnShow. Once created, open the key and change the value to 1. Close the registry editor and open the Start Screen. You will notice that the hidden animation is enabled.
As stated earlier, you can also control the animation by creating more registry keys. However, a small tool by WINAERO called Start Screen Animations Tweaker provides the front-end of these registry hacks, making it easier for you to tweak the animations without manually editing the registry.

Tips related to Windows 8 features

Bypass Windows 8 Start Screen On Startup & Jump Directly To Desktop

The biggest change in Windows 8 is the removal of Start Orb and introduction of the Start Screen. Now, when you login to Windows, instead of going to the Desktop, you are greeted by the Start Screen. It provides you with tiles for various apps, included Desktop, allowing you to quickly access the required app. A lot of avid Windows users are not happy with this huge change in the UI, and are annoyed by the additional step required to open the Desktop. You can find a number of tools that lets you skip the Start Screen and take you directly to the to desktop, however if you are not fond of installing additional software on your PC, you can manually change the Windows Startup behavior. Check out this tutorial to bypass the Start Screen and jump directly to Desktop after you log in to Windows 8.

Customize Windows 8 Win+X Menu

Once you get the hang of all major changes in the UI of Windows 8, you will start noticing the small ones. While Windows doesn’t offer a number of features that were present in previous versions of Windows, it offers some brand new additions. Amongst all the new additions, Win+X menu is the most significant one. In Windows 7, the Win+X shortcut is used to access the Windows Mobility Center, but it can now be used to access a special menu that appears at bottom left corner of the screen. The Win+X menu in Windows 8 lets you quickly access some useful System Utilities, such as Programs and Features, Mobility Center, Network Connections, Power Options, Device Manager, Task Manager, Run dialog box etc, but it doesn’t allow users to customize this menu. In this article, you can find two simple ways to edit the Win+X menu in Windows 8.

Turn Off SmartScreen Filter For Windows 8

In Windows 8, Microsoft has introduced a brand new security feature called SmartScreen. It warns users about the potential threats and temporarily prevents installation of those third party apps that are considered as unsafe. It is a good feature for enhancing your computer security, since there is a possibility of your computer getting infected with a virus after installing a third party app from an external, untrusted sources. However, it can get quite annoying for some users, who do not like a prompt appearing on their screen every time they install a third party tool. If you’re power user who install a lot of third-party tools, you can choose to disable the SmartScreen filter by following the steps from our guide.

Create Custom Refresh Point In Windows 8 With Recimg Tool

In case your Windows 8 PC is not running smoothly, the Refresh Your PC feature of Windows 8 lets you refresh all the settings of your computer without making any changes to your personal files. During the refresh, your files and personalization settings will not be changed, as it only reverts your PC settings to the default state, and the Windows Store apps will remain intact (third party apps will be removed, however). Although, Refresh Your PC feature quickly takes your PC to the default state, it doesn’t allow you to create a custom restore point. Using a command line tool called Recimg, you can create a custom refresh point in WIM (Windows Installer Image) format. It actually saves the current snapshot of your PC and lets you restore your PC to specific custom refresh point. This enables users to to retain all their settings, files, and desktop applications after using the Refresh Your PC feature. In this post, we have explained all the steps required to create, and restore, a custom refresh point using Recimg command.

Create Wireless Ad Hoc Internet Connection In Windows 8

We have talked about a lot of features that were available in Windows 7, but are missing from Windows 8. One of the most used features of Windows 7 is support for creating SoftAP or Ad-Hoc network connection. Windows 8 doesn’t provide an easy way of creating ad-hoc connection to turn the device into a virtual router for sharing internet with other devices, but using the Network Shell console, users of both client and server versions of Windows 8, can easily create SoftAP connection. It allows users to take advantage of the hosted network (Virtualization) feature for creating a virtual wireless connection. The Hosted network plays a vital role in creating a virtual wireless adapter and a lot of applications that create a virtual Wi-Fi hotspot use the same method to create virtual router. In order to create a virtual Wi-Fi hotspot, it is necessary that your network adapter supports virtualization. You can follow our step-by-step guide to create a wireless Ad-Hoc internet connection (SoftAP) in Windows 8 using the built-in netsh utility.
You can also use a third party tool to create the Wi-Fi hotspot. Previously, we have featured some tools that allow you to do that, such as WiFi HotSpot Creator. It turns your system into a virtual Wi-Fi router, allowing you to share your internet connection with other devices, like laptops, tablets, and smartphones. It also supports WPA/WPA2 PSK-based security mode for the ad-hoc/SoftAP connection.
Another hotspot utility worth mentioning here is Connectify. It turns your computer into a Wi-Fi hotspot, allowing Wi-Fi enabled devices in your vicinity to connect to your PC’s virtual Wi-Fi router to share the  the internet

Enable Hibernate Option In Windows 8

Hibernation comes in handy in situations where you want to quickly access your PC, and prefer not to cold boot the system. Instead of rebooting or shutting down the PC, when you put your computer in hibernate mode, the system is powered down, but the current state of Windows is saved to the hard disk. When you turn on the computer back from hibernation, it returns to exactly the same state. The Hibernate mode is not enabled in Windows 8, and users are required to manually enable it from System Power Settings  By default the Power Options in Windows 8 (accessible from the Settings Charms) include only  Sleep, Shutdown and Restart options. If you want to enable and add Hibernate mode to the list of Power Options, all you need is to follow the steps from this guide.

All the above mentioned Local Group Policy Editor tweaks, Windows Registry hacks and tips will allow you to use Windows 8 to its full potential without installing any risky software on your computer. If you have any other useful tweaks that we’ve missed in our list, drop them off in the comment section below.
Want to know what makes Windows 8 tick? Read our Windows 8 review and guide.
To learn how to move around faster in Windows 8, check out our compilation of Windows 8 hotkeys.
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